Mirua es una empresa dedicada a las actividades en la naturaleza y que ahora ha puesto en marcha un servicio dedicado a la observación de aves y su entorno llamado MiruaBirds. Nuestro ámbito de trabajo es Navarra (Pirineo Occidental y norte del Valle del Ebro, España). En este blog encontrarás información sobre este territorio y nuestra oferta para conocerlo de la mano de nuestros guías.
Mirua is a local company dedicated to organize activities in nature. We now also offer birdwatching tours and nature guided tours with local experts with MiruaBirds. We work mainly in Navarre, although we also organize tours in the Pyrenees and Ebro Valley area (NortEast of Spain). You’ll find everything you need to know about us in this blog.

Back to birding (in Navarra)

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After a long time in which it was not possible to guide groups due to the pandemic we are now back with our trips in Navarra. We had several visitors coming to the Western Pyrenees in the second half of 2021 in order to enjoy its stunning birdlife. 

In October we had the pleasure to have back a group of the Swedish company Avifauna Naturresor with 12 enthusiastic birders that spent one week watching birds in a wide range of habitats: steppe, high mountain, forests, open land, wetlands and so on. We enjoyed and excellent weather and many of the target species for the group were found and well seen: Lilford's White-backed Woodpecker, Bearded Vulture, Dupont's Lark, Lesser Short-toed Lark and many more. We also had the opportunity to watch migration, being able to see flocks of Greylag Geese, hundreds of Common Cranes and a huge amount of passerines heading South. A rarity was also seen during these days, as we managed to find a Ring-necked Duck in the Pitillas Lagoon.

Take a look to the complete list of species in this eBird Trip Report.

Después de un largo tiempo sin guiar grupos debido a la pandemia, en la segunda mitad del 2021 hemos podido retomar esta actividad. Uno de los grupos guiados pertenecía a la compañía sueca Avifauna Naturresor, con la cuál vinieron 12 personas a disfrutar de la avifauna navarra. Durante una semana recorrimos diferentes hábitats encontrando especies de lo más interesante que incluían el pico dorsiblanco de Lilford, quebrantahuesos, alondra ricotí, terrera marismeña, etc. Se pudo también observar la migración que cruza de norte a sur por esta región y hasta una rareza: un porrón acollarado. Se puede consultar la lista completa de especies en esta crónica de viaje en eBird.

Otter - Nutria (Lutra lutra)